Social Club is spreading like a wild fire

Every time I tell someone I am going to Social Club, they always react with: "Social Club, what is that?" followed by "How can I join?"  I think that humans love getting together and socialising and Social Club is the perfect solution for just that!  For those of you that don't know what social club is, read my earlier post here.

Kirsty, that I met last year through work showed a keen interest in Social Club.  After every cappuccino we had and we finished discussing business, we would discuss the last Social Club I had and she would respond with: "I would love to have a Social Club evening with my friends!"

So when 2013 arrived Kirsty had her first Social Club and the new skill that they learnt was how to do a smokey eye, waterfall plait and how to do curls! 

Here's some photos of their evening:


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